The Lost Art of Small Talk

Right this moment, 5.52 billion pairs of hands are within arm’s reach of the internet.
Hands stretch across pillows, eagerly reaching for phones first thing in the morning. Fingertips tap at keyboards and swipe across glowing glass.
The world has never been so connected. Billions of conversations are happening every second.
Yet, humanity has never been so quiet.
Hotel lobbies, waiting rooms, train stations, and airports — places once buzzing with the chatter of strangers — now lie quieter than libraries. Most libraries don’t exist in the physical sense anymore.
Humanity Has Gone Mute.
Small talk is disappearing. The tiniest thoughts are condensed into 280 characters to be posted on X, hoping to garner hearts, claps, zaps, or whatever gimmick social media platforms use to keep us tethered to their feeds. Instead of sharing these thoughts with the few souls occupying the same physical space as us, we broadcast them into the digital void.
Gone are the genuine, physical reactions — a smile, a laugh, maybe a headshake if a joke didn’t land.
Who needs small talk, right? Wasn’t it just that awkward thing people did before cellphones and the internet existed?
No. The silence is worse.
It’s the manifestation of relational decay.
That’s why people talked. People talked about the weather or about Mrs. Jones’ dog that always gets out. That’s what helped neighbors scale one another’s emotional fences and get to know one another. It was, and always will be, the first step to any meaningful relationship.
Today, small talk has been relegated to social feeds and forums. It’s easier to make a friend across the planet than to make one next door. People fall into the trap of chasing likes, followers, and fame, while their local connections — the ones critical to mental health and a sense of purpose — fade into the background.
Maybe I’m out of touch. Maybe I just don’t get out enough. But as a member of the Army Reserves, I’ve experienced something rare.
Once a month, I attend drill, and once a year, we’re sent on an annual training that can last up to thirty days. During those thirty days, we’re often shipped off to a place far from the internet. And in that time, something remarkable happens: small talk comes back to life.
It’s incredible to watch my fellow Soldiers connect.
The relationships we have before training versus after are night and day. And it all starts with small talk — simple jokes, shared gripes, and the mundane details that snowball into camaraderie.
When we’re forced to take that first step to avoid the boredom of silence, we discover one another’s existence. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the absence of convenience is what sparks true connection.
Small talk isn’t just filler. It’s the foundation of relationships. Maybe it’s time to put down the phone, look around, and say something — anything — to the person next to you.
While the world may feel quieter than ever, the potential for connection has never been stronger.
I want to show the world that life is a scroll riddled with ink. The marks will only ever be simple blots on the parchment unless you pause and perceive them for the characters they are.
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